Gentle digital shift

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Before the pandemic crisis, the Lycée Töpffer had already adopted many digital tools, such as Pronote (school life software integrating grades, homework, spaces for parents', teachers' and students' communication, etc.) as well as other educational platforms accessible online. The switch to online courses has therefore been easily taken.

In addition to responding to the safety measures issued by the authorities, we also took into consideration the biological rhythms of the children. The screen time has been adapted, according to the age of our students. We adjusted our schedules by alternating Zoom lessons and accompanied personal work sessions. These measures have allowed us to follow and complete the standard schooling programs.

Although distance courses will never replace face-to-face, particularly concerning motivation and interaction, everyone has been able to develop skills in the use of new technologies. Since the end of the first confinement, we have further improved our possibilities by simultaneously offering face-to-face and online courses, as well as by optimizing the use of our computers.

We are still looking forward to improving our procedures. We are currently investigating the possibility for the teachers to remotely teach to their class, if they were quarantined. All possibilities must be considered...

We warmly thank all parents for their support and encouraging comments.


Lycée Töpffer Principal